Small Grants Scheme

The Foundation’s Small Grants Scheme has been established to support creative scholarship and independent projects with an inter-disciplinary and inter-Asian nature that may not have been given due appreciation by conventional funding agencies or academic institutions. The Scheme is especially designed to foster a global community whose members are willing and ready to challenge conventional mindsets and eager to pursue innovative and critical paths in knowledge production and dissemination. In 2024, the Scheme is looking to provide 12 awards of up to HK$75,000 each.
Post-graduate students, young scholars, and independent practitioners with unconventional career trajectories who share the Foundation’s vision and are eager to promote creative humanistic synergies are encouraged to submit applications. Eligible projects will engage in creative, inter-disciplinary, and inter-regional research, with a focus on a broadly defined region of Asia. The projects supported are expected to be yearlong.
How to Apply
Applicants are asked to send the following materials to the Foundation at by the deadline:
- Short CV
The CV should comprise no more than two pages. Please ensure that it includes your current affiliation(s) and detailed contact information. - Two-page project proposal including budget
Please provide detailed information on why and how you intend to conduct your project, emphasizing its alignment with the Foundation’s goals and the anticipated outcomes. Additionally, please include the project’s start and end dates, as well as its total cost and budget breakdown. Specify the amount you are requesting from the Foundation, any additional funding required, and how you plan to secure it. Please note that the maximum grant amount from the Foundation is HK$75,000. It is important to note that the Foundation does not cover expenses related to staff time, training, or loss of earnings. - Names and contact information of two referees
Please provide the names, affiliations, and contact information of two referees who are familiar with your work and research. Kindly inform your referees in advance.
Application Deadline
The submission deadline for the current round of application is Friday, 15 November 2024.
Assessment and Announcement
All received applications will be assessed by a sub-committee of the Advisory Board. Recommendations will then be made to the Foundation’s directors for consideration and approval. The final decision will be made in December.
Reporting, Accounting, and Deliverables
Upon approval and acceptance of the grant, the Foundation will release half of its amount. Afterwards, midway through the funded project, awardees are required to submit a brief progress report no longer than 5 pages. Upon receipt and approval of this report, the second half of the grant will be disbursed.
A final report, not exceeding 5 pages, along with relevant and proper receipts, must be submitted to the Foundation within 3 months of the project’s completion for assessment and accounting purposes.
For procedural questions, please contact Ms. Joan Cheng at